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Nurturing Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace

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We understand that existing mental health support services may go under utilised by employees.

Our unique approach prioritises prevention and proactivity, fostering an environment where mental wellbeing is actively addressed with the provision of a full range of expert services and your one stop shop for staff supports.


Our Proactive Mental Health Approach

Prioritise Mental Wellness for Your Team
Onsite Wellbeing Clinics

Unique to Insula Wellbeing, our Clinics have been transformative. They provide a safe space with qualified practitioners, offering discrete and confidential clinical wellbeing assessments for everyone. Everyone has mental health but not everyone takes time to look after it. Taking time to understand your own mental health, not only gives you the strategies to use for you and your family, but will also change how you understand others, creating a change in culture. These clinics are breaking down stigma, encouraging conversation and without question getting to those individuals who really need help but just couldn’t ask. We know clinics are saving lives.

Tailored Strategies

Practical interventions tailored to enhance work-life balance and elevate staff retention and productivity through comprehensive employee and corporate wellness services.  Our focus on proactive preventative work rather than responding to crisis is already saving companies money from reduced sick leave but also staff retention which is currently costing companies millions.

Follow-up Support

Tailored individual sessions conducted off-site or by zoom if required, to offer ongoing support for employee mental health, featuring a blend of counselling, psychoeducation, practical strategies, solution-focused therapy, and accountability, as part of our corporate mental health services.

Individual Referrals

Should you identify a staff member who is struggling with their mental health and requires immediate support do not delay in referring to our services.  We provide access to support as a priority reducing delay and minimising unnecessary further distress.  These sessions will take place off site or by zoom and provide a clinical assessment alongside a range of therapeutic interventions. 

Services Offered

Wellbeing Checks

Our on-site Wellbeing Checks provide a confidential space for clinically led assessments, offering practical strategies for immediate impact. Available to all staff, these checks go beyond struggles, promoting a holistic approach to wellbeing.

Insula Wellbeing conducts personalised one-to-one sessions with your staff, completing clinical mental health wellbeing checks on-site during dedicated clinic days. This approach utilises our extensive clinical expertise to sensitively assist individuals in navigating and understanding their mental health needs. These checks are for all staff, fostering a safe space and providing practical strategies with immediate impact. After our checks, staff consistently express feeling genuinely valued. Each individual receives their own personalised confidential report that can be used for ongoing reflection and development.

1:1 Sessions

We offer individual packages for staff you identify as needing intervention. We will accept referrals as required for single or multiple staff members. We prioritise accessibility to avoid any further distress and can ensure we put your staff at ease promptly. Our one-on-one therapy sessions are confidential, ensuring privacy and comfort for employees referred to our service. Sessions can be conducted at Insula Hub, or flexibly via Zoom or Teams, accommodating staff availability to ensure they benefit fully from our confidential and supportive services.

On-Site Clinics

Experience the convenience of On-Site Clinics, allowing staff to book slots for individual sessions on a dedicated day. Our clinically experienced team provides bespoke support, addressing diverse mental wellbeing needs.

Follow up support if needed for staff

Additionally for staff requiring more in-depth therapy, we offer flexible options tailored to individual needs. Options include:

  • Pay-as-Needed Individual Sessions:
    • For those needing brief intervention to follow up from the wellbeing session, we offer individual sessions with charges based on your needs, ensuring flexibility and accessibility.
  • Discounted Package Sessions:
    • Individuals requiring a bit more support can opt for a discounted package providing an extended but cost-effective solution.

It is at the discretion of the company whether they pay or ask their employees to pay for each session as needed.

If required further bespoke packages can be arranged, please contact us to discuss your needs further

Rest assured that our packages provide meaningful and prompt care for your staff who feel comfortable with our service and find it easier to reach out.

It is important that together we combat the stigma of mental health as “the humanity we all share is more important than the mental illness we may not”

- Elyn R Saks

What Businesses Say

Our therapy is making a profound impact on employees, fostering resilience and wellbeing in the workplace.


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Our wide range of therapeutic interventions is designed to meet your unique requirements. Complete the form below, and we'll reach out to you promptly.

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